Facial Balancing by restoring the midface which incliudes HA dermal filler to the cheek area and under eyes as well as the piriform. Full face tox to smooth out wrinkles. Lip filler
Full face tox, midface filler includes lateral and anterior cheek area and under eye hollows, temple filler, piriform and jawline filler. Dissolved and refilled lips.
Full face tox, Microneedling, HA dermal filler to midface cheeks and PRP/PRF under eyes, chin, chin shadow, piriform, and lips.
Under eye and tear trough filler
Under eye and tear trough using PRP/PRF
Under eyes/tear troughs using combo of dermal filler and PRP/PRF
3 sessions of Ultra Lase MD Laser treatments
3 sessions of Ultra Lase MD Laser